Blake Jones
Blake Jones is a Lecturer in the University of Kentucky College of Social Work. After completing his undergraduate work at Berea College, he received his MSW and Ph.D. from the UK College of Social Work. His professional jobs have included coordinating Kentucky’s Citizen Review Panels for Child Protective Services and Children’s Justice Task Force, working as a clinical social worker on a behavioral health unit, and providing technical assistance to over thirty-five state child welfare agencies through a contract with the federal Children’s Bureau. Dr. Jones has authored or co-authored eighteen articles in peer-reviewed journals, and maintains a private practice in Lexington, Kentucky. In his private practice, Dr. Jones works with older teens and adults, and he specializes in assisting law enforcement officers and their families. Dr. Jones is an active member of the Kentucky Society for Clinical Social Work. He is a multi-instrumentalist singer/songwriter. Melissa—his wife of twenty-three years—is an occupational therapist, and they are parents to two teenage sons, Noah and Lucas.